Self-transformation comes from what you lose. That is not to say you will not gain something, but until you lose what you already have, you will not get anything new. Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Life and death cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Thought is always dead, and when thoughts continue to go around in your head, you are living in illusion, not reality. You are not alive.
There is another way of living which is known as ecstasy. In that manner of living, thinking is not thinking you. You are not trapped in language, or thought. It doesn’t matter if you are occupied with pleasant or unpleasant thoughts, they occupy the same space of death. Thoughts are what are imagined or already known.
Some people who are looking into the spiritual or meditation or religion or a hundred things of the mind are concerned with adding something to what they already know. Other people are looking to free themselves of their pain and suffering. The latter are the ones who have the greatest chance of knowing peace and harmony.
With self transformation you will lose anger, pride, jealousy, pain, suffering and greed— just to mention a few of our flaws. In other words, you will lose the incessant thinking. Our biggest, and actually the only problem in this world, is thought. It is though thought that we act, which is not action at all, but reaction. We react to what another says or what another does whose action is brought about by thought. We can see that this is so from the action of the child all the way to the top of the world’s governments.
There is another way of living, living as real, live humans and not the robots that we have become. That new way of living will end our violence towards our own kind. It will end the suffering, the misery, the anger, the greed, etc. that are leading us down the path of destruction, both personal and collective.
The manner of living in reactionary thought and feelings have become so engrained in use that we accept them as a matter of naturalness, something we should have. It is not so. The solution to our world’s problem starts with you, the individual. The solutions will not come from the top, but will necessarily start from the bottom up, from the foundation.
If you can see yourself as you actually are in the action of these feelings, and speak the truth of them, they will fall away. It takes total honesty with yourself to speak that you lie, that you steal, that you cheat, that you are stupid; that you yell and scream. It is difficult to catch yourself in the action of something, but that is the only place you can catch it. Of course, you can remember that you cheated on your taxes or that you yelled at your husband or that you hit your child, but to actually catch yourself in the instant of doing it is to see the ugliness of it. To see in the instant is to end it.
The thought of doing something precedes the action of it, so eventually you will catch the thought. The thought will not arise, and thought is cause of the (re)action. Your mind will become swift and pliable because the feelings and desires that once made it sluggish and robotic have been removed.
In that space which is created when your feelings fall away, there is nothing. The trick is not to fill it with something, for if you fill it, you will only be filling it with something you already know or want, and what you already know has been making the world violent for thousands and thousands of years.
Everything that is created is created from nothing. Creation comes from that empty space. You will not know what is in that space of nothingness. However, once you have removed what was there, there is nothing there to go back to, so you cannot and will not go back to the way you have been. From that space you can create the new—a new way of being, a new you, a new me, a new planet, and intelligence, at last.
Edward Jones’ Book reveals what you can do to bring forth a new consciousness to the planet through your own personal self-transformation.
When you buy the book, you will receive free Edward Jones’ autobiography ebook that reveals the story of his personal transformation..

A New Consciousness Born
(2010) USA Ophadophalus Publishing

ISBN 97809844269-4
Library of Congress Control # 2010900406
Order Here or at Amazon  

Is it possible for what we call the human psyche to evolve into a consciousness that has no violence in it?
Violence has many forms. It begins with not being whole or complete within yourself. From there, the fragmented, dual self effects every relationship, and life is relationship.
Simply put, violence is an argument with your spouse, your children, your neighbor, or a boss. Violence is a frown or giving someone a dirty look. Violence occurs when you do not keep your word. Violence is in blaming, accusing, bossing, and control. Violence is not just in hitting, killing, rape, or war, but that is where it all ends up – from the fragmented self.

SelfTransformation is a total evolutionary event.
It is an irrevocable mutation in the brain or mind itself, and it brings forth a new consciousness, first in the individual and then onto the planet. Transformation of the self will be the completion of your life, allowing for a new way of living without the violence of the past. A critical mass will be reached by a certain amount of people who transform their lives, and when this critical mass manifested, this new consciousness will blanket the earth.

There has been no psychological evolution since the human being first appeared on the planet. We have made marvelous strides in the physical realm. Our inventions have made things possible that would have been deemed impossible even a hundred  years ago, and now all that we have invented is destroying us and the planet.
We have walked on the moon, but within our consciousness there has not been a single step. We are as violent now as we have ever been. Added to that, we now have the means to kill ourselves off in a very short time.
This is the consciousness that now rules our planet. Our present consciousness  cannot fix the problems it invented. It can only make the problems worse than before the fix. We need a new consciousness.
Will we manifest this new consciousness, or will we wipe ourselves off the planet?
This new consciousness has made its appearance on the planet, and it is in its infancy. We all need to nourish and nurture its beginning.
There is a simple thing we can do to have it flourish, and in his book, A New Consciousness Born, Edward points out it is something we once had in our life, but lost – Truth.

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